Become a Center Lane Project Member!

Please help us preserve, strengthen, and expand the core principles of Controlled Remote Viewing.
You can support us by becoming a Regular Member or a Project Pioneer (associated with a lifetime membership).

For all those interested and our members, we are continuously building on this website the most extensive collection of data related to Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) and the history of remote viewing. The main part of our work involves gathering materials and making them available in the form of articles, overviews, and in the glossary. Depending on the membership level, we offer additional information, which serves as a valuable resource for individuals with prior CRV experience, enabling them to complement their knowledge and further their education.

In our community forum, you can exchange with other CRV-ers, and you’ll have the opportunity, depending on your membership level, to get input and comments directly from our advisors on method and structure, history and all CRV-related questions. [*see details below]

Regular Membership Levels

Supporting Member

  • Open to All
    (no RV training required)
  • Supporting Member Forum
  • Public Content
  • CLP Guide to Beginning CRV
  • CLP Guide to the Star Gate Archives

Associate Member

  • Open to Stage 3 or Higher Viewers
    (any CRV derivative)
  • Associate and Supporting Member Forums
  • Public and Private Content
  • CLP Guides to Beginning and Intermediate CRV
  • CLP Guide to the Star Gate Archives

Full Member

  • Open to Stage 4 or Higher Viewers
    (Swann/Puthoff CRV only)
  • Full, Associate, and Supporting Member Forums
  • Public and Private Content
  • CLP Guides to Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced CRV
  • CLP Guide to the Star Gate Archives
  • Q&A Sessions with the Board and Advisory Council

Supporting Memberships are open to anyone who supports this organization’s purpose with a desire to learn more about CRV.

Associate Membership applicants must show proof of training in any derivative form of the Swann/Puthoff CRV methodology. When applicants sign up, they must upload two sessions* at a minimum Stage 3 level and list their primary CRV school or instructor.

Full Membership applicants must show proof of high-level training in and the ability to use the Swann/Puthoff CRV method, and their membership application must be approved unanimously by both the Board and the Advisory Council. When applicants sign up, they must upload two sessions* at a minimum Stage 4 level and list their primary CRV school or instructor.

* Session Upload: We request that sessions be uploaded as evidence of your understanding and adherence to CRV structure [*see detailed explanation below]. A session’s outcome is secondary to its proper execution within structure. Your sessions will remain confidential, and we will not share them with anyone outside of the Center Lane Project Board of Directors and Advisors without your permission.

Please upload your sessions in PDF format to ensure the pages are complete and in the correct order. The PDF file should include a feedback page that provides information about the target and/or the full tasking. We do not accept photo series or other file formats.

Upon purchase of your Associate or Full Membership, you will have immediate access to the Supporting Member features of the website (or your previous membership level, if applicable) while we review your sessions to confirm your qualifications for the requested membership level. Please allow five business days for notice of approval by email. You may remain at a lower level or request a refund if you are not approved. The same procedure applies if you upgrade your membership from Associate to Full Membership.

Please help us Fund the Center Lane Project by becoming a Project Pioneer!

Enjoy a lifetime of membership benefits for a single payment of $1,000.

We do all our work on a voluntary basis. However, we have ambitious plans to achieve our vital goal, the comprehensive documentation of CRV and the support of the CRV community demands a lot of effort. Therefore, we consider a limited number of 10 Founders who support us in building the project to be our “Pioneer Members”.

Our Pioneer Members receive a lifetime membership and acknowledgment on the About Page and selected future publications.

Project Pioneer Membership

Supporting Pioneer

  • Supporting Membership benefits for life. **
  • Listed as a Pioneer Member on our About page.
  • As your CRV skills improve, you can freely move up to Associate or Full Pioneer Membership levels.

Associate Pioneer

  • Associate Membership benefits for life. **
  • Listed as a Pioneer Member on our About page.
  • As your CRV skills improve, you can freely move up to the Full Pioneer Membership level.

Full Pioneer

  • Full Membership benefits for life. **
  • Listed as a Pioneer Member on our About page.
  • Congratulations! You are already a skilled Swann/Puthoff CRV remote viewer!

** Pioneer Membership applications must be approved unanimously by both the Board and the Advisory Council. Upon purchase please allow five business days for notice of approval by email. Your payment will be refunded if you are not approved.

This is a limited offering. Only ten Pioneer Memberships are available.

* About the Membership

The Center Lane Project organization

Our organization was established, first, to preserve the legacy of Ingo Swann—specifically the CRV structure he developed with Hal in its original version, and second, to serve an educational mission in support of that main goal. The Center Lane Project is not intended to be a service provider, or a working group. We don’t do operational work, nor offer projects or training, and in we don’t look for operational viewers.

Why and how to become a member?

Membership in our organization is intended for those who want to support our work and who may be interested in delving deeper into the subject of original CRV and discussing details. The core of our work involves gathering information and making them available. The higher membership levels are for people who have an active interest in promoting the preservation of CRV.

Of course, we also offer something in return to our members—for example, the opportunity to perform full-text searches in the updated Star Gate Archives document collection, or the opportunity for detailed discussions with the board members or even our advisors.

With our membership structure model, we follow an established model for professional associations where one must meet certain entry requirements to be admitted as an Associate or Full Member. In our case, these prerequisites refer to a certain familiarity with the CRV structure, which must be assumed in order to discuss the relevant details.

We request that sessions be uploaded as evidence of your familiarity with any form of CRV (for Associate members) or of your understanding and adherence to the Swann/Puthoff CRV structure (for Full members). A session’s outcome is secondary to its proper execution within structure. Your sessions will remain confidential, and we will not share them with anyone outside of the Center Lane Project Board of Directors and Advisors without your permission.

The applicant is responsible for selecting the sample sessions. The applicant is not required to submit any operational or otherwise confidential sessions. Simple practice sessions are sufficient, where the relevant targets and their feedback are free of any third-party rights.

There are no entry requirements for the Supporting Membership level. We appreciate your contribution to support our work and help us fulfilling our mission’s goals!

Our membership forum

Even though we understand that the “golden age of internet forums” is over, a forum still offers some advantages that we cannot replicate with current social media platforms. Particularly regarding the organization and retention of information, the platforms are too fleeting, and it is difficult to find posts made a long time ago. For our purpose—namely, to collect information permanently and discuss individual details—the forum format remains the best solution. Since we are still in the early stages of this project, accumulating content here will take some time, but at least we will have everything in one place.