In CRV, structure exists to help the viewer to produce the most accurate information – with the least amount of confusion. The viewer learns to focus on the process (correct behavior), not on the outcome.

Structure: The manner in which the mission is to be conducted. 

In teaching CRV we are not teaching the trainee to be psychic. We are not teaching him to receive the signal. We are teaching him the proper format to be used in objectifying the data he perceives upon receiving the coordinate. This is known as the session “Structure”. In this CRV technology we believe that as long as the viewer maintains proper control of his structure the data can be considered generally correct. It must be stressed to the viewer at all times that only by monitoring his structure can he know the value or correctness of the data he is producing. The best results are produced when the viewer ignores the content of the data and concentrates on the structure. This structure is always controlled by the viewer. 

The following information concerning session structure is an integral part of Stage I. Structure and Stage I must be taught concurrently, hence a large portion of this chapter is devoted to structure. However, the structure learned in Stage I is used through out the CRV process.

Structure is broken into two areas:
• The interaction of the interviewer and viewer.
• The proper sequences of steps taken by the viewer to grasp the ideograms and objectify the data.

Each consecutive entry on the paper is entered below the previous entry. This provides a chronological history of the data. If, during the session it is noted that the viewer is out of structure, this chronological history will allow him to review the data and to correct the structure. At the conclusion of the session, an analyst, by reviewing the session structure, can know the reliability of the data.

[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]


Structure – Concept: “Structure” is a singularly important element in remote viewing theory. The word “structure” signifies the orderly process of proceeding from general to specific in accessing the signal line, of objectifying in proper sequence all data bits and RV-related subjective phenomena (e.g, see aesthetic impact as discussed in STAGE III), and rigorous extraction of AOL from the viewer’s system by conscientious objectification. Structure is executed in a formal ordered format sequence using pen and paper.

Structure is the key to usable RV technology. It is through proper structure-discipline that mental noise is suppressed and signal line information allowed to emerge cleanly. As expressed by one early student [Rob Cowart], “Structure! Content be damned!” is the universal motto of the remote viewer. As long as proper structure is maintained, information obtained may be relied on. If the viewer starts speculating about content–wondering “what it is”–he will begin to depart from proper structure and AOL will inevitably result. One of the primary duties of both monitor and viewer is to insure the viewer maintains proper structure, taking information in the correct sequence, at the correct stage, and in the proper manner.

[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]