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Forum Admin2024-01-02 at 8:18 pmPost count: 31Just for clarification: this message is from October.
Forum Admin2023-10-01 at 6:34 pmPost count: 31Announcement by: Jana Rogge
Some of you may already know that I have been entrusted with the task of leading a large-scale RV (Remote Viewing) research project. In preparation for this project, which is planned to span a total of 5 years, we seek to uncover some of the factors that influence the observation process in future-oriented remote viewing. These factors include investigating the impact of time distance, the order and number of accesses, and the evaluation methods used. In order to isolate the investigation of individual factors, there will be several projects that are interconnected or coordinated with each other.
This long term project will require a fair number of experienced viewers that are trained at the intermediate level or above. For analytical compatibility, methods that will be accepted will be CRV, TDS/TDRV, and TRV. As the leading project manager, Lily Fowler will coordinate the sessions and viewers, as well as participate in the analysis.
In the preparation phase, which is planned to last for one year, we will need viewers to complete simple outbounder sessions on a weekly basis to help us develop the optimal protocol and experimental design. This phase is crucial in setting up the experiment to give us the answers we seek for remote viewing advancement. Full feedback with pictures and potentially video recordings will be supplied before the next target is given. This will be an excellent opportunity for target practice with comprehensive feedback.
We will require a year‘s commitment in this process, and if selected as compatible for our data collection portion of the project, another year‘s commitment of weekly remote viewing sessions is required. If funding is available by this time, then at this juncture viewers will be paid per session an amount that is equally divided between the total number of viewers. Regardless of whether funding is available, all viewers will be given feedback for their sessions as promptly as possible. In addition, viewers will be informed of the findings of the research project and can apply their new found knowledge to their personal remote viewing applications.
Participating viewers are asked to fill out a brief form through which we will gather some data about their training level. Afterward, they will be assigned an individual viewer number, as the evaluation process is anonymized to the greatest extent possible (only the project manager and I will know who you are). If you would like to be part of this unique opportunity, please email me at: jrogge@mkadvisors.org
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