Objectification is one of the core principles of CRV.
Objectify: To present as an object, externalize, to write on paper.
[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]
Objectification: The act of physically saying out loud and writing down information. In this methodology, objectification serves several important functions. First, it allows the information derived from the signal line to be recorded and expelled from the system, freeing the viewer to receive further information and become better in tune with the signal line. Secondly, it makes the system independently aware that its contributions have been acknowledged and recorded. Thirdly, it allows re-input of the information into the system as necessary for further prompting. In effect, objectification “gives reality” to the signal line and the information it conveys. Finally, objectification allows non-signal line derived material (inclemencies, AOLs, etc.) that might otherwise clutter the system and mask valid signal line data to be expelled.
Objectification: The act of physically saying out loud and writing down information. In coordinate remote viewing methodology, objectification serves several important functions: recording of information derived from the signal line; re-input of information into the system as necessary for further prompting; and expelling of non-signal line derived material (inclemencies, AOLs, etc.,) that might otherwise clutter the system and mask valid signal line data.
Objectify: To cause to become or to assume the character of an object. To externalize visually.
[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]