Stage IV – General Qualitative Analytical Aspects: Because of the increased site contact that occurs in Stage III, in Stage IV data of an analytical nature begin to emerge. Contained in Stage IV data are elements that go beyond normal observational concepts. The ambience of the site such as military, religious, technical, or educational, can be expressed in Stage IV. Cultural factors such as Soviet, Muslim, or Arabic, and functional indicators such as power generation, BW research, or human research, can also be reported accurately in Stage IV. Stage IV is therefore the point where the viewer begins to become operational.
[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]
Stage IV – Concept: With the successful accomplishment of Stage I–II, the viewer has become subject to an enormous flood of information available from the site. Previously, such a flow of data would have been overwhelming, and those circumstances in Stages I through III in which the viewer found himself so inundated would have required the taking of a “Too Much Break.” At this point, however, it becomes both possible and necessary to (1) establish a systematic structure to provide for the orderly, consistent management of the volumes of information that may be obtained, and (2) facilitate and guide the viewer’s focusing of perceptions on ever finer and finer detail of the site. This is accomplished through the use of an information matrix which is illustrated below. Stage IV is a refinement and expansion of the previous structure to facilitate more complete and detailed decoding of the signal line.
[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]