“The Real X-Files” (companion to Jim Schnabel’s book) is a gem in the pool of historical material.

Jim Schnabel dives into the fascinating world of the U.S. government’s once super-secret psychic spy program in this groundbreaking documentary. Interviews with many of the original personnel who developed remote viewing and the project that would become known as Star Gate. Through his research, Jim Schnabel, tells the story of how the remote viewing program came to be, where it had come to and how it had effected the lives of some of those involved; he also receives Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) training directly from Ingo Swann.

The interview concludes with reflections on Swann’s enduring legacy and the ongoing efforts to document and share his life’s work, including the production of a documentary on his contributions to remote viewing and the broader field of psychic phenomena.

This film would be the basis for Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies (1997), which at the time, was the definitive book about the military remote viewing program.

The Real X Files: America’s Psychic Spies

Documentary (1993) – Jim Schnabel
Original Air Date: 1995
Run Time — 48:42

Cast: Jim Schnabel, Mel Riley, Stansfield Turner, Ed Thompson, John B. Alexander, Harold (Hal) Puthoff, Ingo Swann, Keith (Blue) Haray, Ed Dames, Lyn Buchanan, Linda Buchanan, Christine Dames