CRV Military Training Chart
This overview shows the time of the military Remote Viewing unit, especially with regard to the order of service periods and training in Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV). The darkened area represents the time when Ingo Swann conducted his training with the first 5 members of the unit. This was also the period when the program had the codename “Center Lane,” one of the reasons for naming our knowledge transfer project. The larger rectangle encompasses the overall time when CRV was used in the unit (and by whom). The arrows indicate who trained whom or who received CRV training from others after Ingo Swann ceased to be the instructor. Additionally, there were other viewers in the unit who are not all fully named here, partly because they did not use CRV (see the table in the “Historical Background” section), and partly because their involvement was not made public after the declassification of the remote viewing program in 1995. This chart focuses on the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) era of the program.