Stage VI – Three Dimensional Contact and Modeling: In Stage VI the viewer uses various materials to produce three dimensional representations of the site or specific elements at the site location. Materials such as clay, cardboard, and poster paper can be used to produce models of the specific structure at the site as well as the general configuration of the surrounding area. This construction is done with “feeling”. The use of these materials is not simply an attempt to render a more exact representation of the site than can be done verbally, or by means of drawing. The kinesthetic activity appears to both quench AOL formation associated with purely cerebral processes, and to act as a trigger to produce further analytical content of the site, even concerning aspects not being specifically addressed by the modeling.
[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]
Stage VI – Concept: Stage VI involves the three-dimensional modeling of the site. As such, it is in a sense the continuation of expression of the site’s physical characteristics begun in Stage III. Stage VI modeling is a kinesthetic activity which appears to both quench the desire to produce AOL and act as a prompt to produce further information relating to the site–including not just the physical aspects being modeled, but other elements not directly associated with the modeling itself.
[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]