Stage V – Specific Analytical Aspects by Interrogating the Signal Line: Many complex bits of data are produced during Stage IV. If during Stage IV the viewer attempts to probe or question the significance of this data it usually results in the production of AOL. The analytic functions of the viewer “try too hard” and fill in with logical but incorrect data. In Stage V however, special techniques are used to produce the more detailed information without triggering AOL.
[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]
Stage V – Concept: Stage V is unique among the remote viewing stages thus far discussed in that it does not rely on a direct link to the signal line to obtain the information reported. Instead, data is derived through accessing the information already available below the liminal threshold in the brain and autonomic nervous system. This information is deposited in earlier stages when the signal line passes through the system and “imprints” data on the brain by causing cognitrons to form through the rearrangement of the brain’s neuronal clusters into the appropriate patterns, roughly analogous to what occurs in a computer’s memory storage when it receives a data dump.
Information “stored” in a cognitron can be accessed by a certain prompting methodology. In normal brain functioning, cognitrons are induced to deliver up the information they store through some stimulus delivered by the brain, much in the same way as a capacitor in an electronic circuit can be triggered to release its stored electric charge.
When properly prompted, the information released consists of sub-elements which together form the complete cognitron. For example, the concept “religious” may be represented by one complete cognitron (cluster of neurons); each neuron would store a sub-element of that cognitron. Hence, the cognitron for “religious” could have neurons storing data for the following elements: “quiet”, “incense”, “harmonious chanting”, “bowed heads”, “robes”, “candles”, “dimly lit”, “reverence”, “worship”, “respect”, etc. If attention is paid to what underlies the concept of “religious” as it is originally evoked in Stage IV, the sub-elements, which may themselves provide valuable information far beyond their collective meaning of “religious”, may be broken out and assembled. These sub-elements as they are brought forth in Stage V are known as “emanations” (“emanate” literally defined means “to issue from a source, to flow forth, to emit, or to issue”).
[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]