Palyne “PJ” Gaenir (– October 18, 2023) was well known in the RV community as the founder and owner of Ten Thousand Roads (TKR)/DojoPSI, a forum-based online remote viewing community. With her projects, PJ built a community over the years, spending countless hours connecting people and documenting everything she could about remote viewing. The practice system on her platform was the place to be if you wanted to practice RV, and the forums provided valuable insight. 

PJ trained in CRV with Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan, and in 1997 with Paul H. Smith in one of his first  civilian CRV Basic week-long classes in Las Vegas. Angela Thompson Smith, who was also attending this course, remembers her as a quiet, reserved young woman who contended with some of the more lively members of the class. 
PJs main business at the time was creating websites, and she offered her services within the RV community. Over the following years, PJ developed a substantial online venture that she called Ten Thousand Roads, abbreviated to TKR—everyone knew TKR! The original website is no longer available, but can be accessed through (see links below in the references)

“TKR—free information, a friendly community for all viewers of all methods and backgrounds, all experience levels and perspectives, and an array of software utilities and projects offering real-time viewing experience within an appropriate Remote Viewing protocol.”

One of PJ’s more well-known ventures, in 1998, was to make public the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) Manual developed by Ingo Swann and Dr. Hal Puthoff, that was subsequently documented by Paul H. Smith. PJ realized that she would meet criticism by publishing this document: however, both she and Paul Smith wrote introductions to the document that was published online on the Firedocs website. She was known to a great many within the RV communities, and she had a loyal following on a par with the ex-military teachers. PJ provided a voice for the continuation of RV research, training and practice within a safe environment and laid the groundwork for many of the emerging RV groups. 

Wife, mother and grandmother, PJ passed on October 18, 2023 during heart surgery and will be greatly missed.
