Break: To terminate a mission for a period of time.
There are specific types of breaks and appropriate times to take them. When a break is taken the viewer objectifies the type of break on the paper and orally. The reason the viewer called the break is also stated and written. The brakes and when to use them follows:
- Break
- Miss Break
- AOL Break
- AOL Drive Break (AOL-D break)
- Bi-location Break (BILO Break)
- Too Much Break (TM Break)
- Confusion Break (CONF Break)
By the use of appropriate breaks the viewer is able to control his structure. As we have stated earlier, it is the control of structure that we are actually teaching. Stage I is taught in two phases. Stage I, phase I uses coordinates that represent only one large gestalt. Examples of this are large mountain ranges, large cities, and coordinates in the middle of the ocean. Stage I phase II are more detailed sites such as rivers through mountain ranges, cities on the ocean, or small islands.
[McNear, Tom. Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I–VI and Beyond. February 1985, DIA]
Breaks: The mechanism developed to allow the system to be put on “hold,” providing the opportunity to flush out AOLs, deal with temporary inclemencies, or make system adjustments, allowing a fresh start with new momentum. There are seven types of breaks:
- AOL Break
- Confusion Break (often, “Conf Bk”)
- Too Much Break (“TM Break”)
- Aesthetic Impact Break (“AI Break”): discussed in conjunction with Stage III.
- AOL Drive Break (“AOL-D Bk”)
- Bi-location Break (“Bilo Bk”)
Break (“Break”): If at any point in the system the viewer must take a break that does not fit into any of the other categories, a “Break” is declared. It has been recommended that a break not be taken if the signal line is coming through strong and clear. If the break is extensive–say for twenty minutes or more, it is appropriate to objectify “Resume” and the time at the point of resumption.
The viewer declares a break by objectifying “AOL Break,” “AI Break,” “Bilo Break,” etc., as appropriate, usually in the right hand margin of the paper. Immediately underneath he briefly objectifies in one or a few words the cause or content of what occasioned the necessity for a break.
[Smith, Paul H. Coordinate Remote Viewing. May 1986, DIA Manual]